John Yuan specializing in Acupuncture, Chinese herbology and TuiNa

John Yuan specialises in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, pain, smoking cessation, insomnia, weight loss, body balance disorders and other diseases, and specializes in pediatric massage, treatment of pediatric diseases, and gynecological problems such as infertility, menopause, menstrual disorders.

John Yuan specializing in Acupuncture, Chinese herbology and TuiNa (Chinese massage) in China since 1985, practiced in the department of acupuncture, the Guangxi guilin traditional Chinese Hospital, China from 1985 to 1996. During this period of time, he also clinically instructed many acupuncturists from the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea and many other countries.

Yuan graduated from Hunan TCM University, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985 with highest honors. he had been best trained in both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.

John Yuan has held a national certification in acupuncture from the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine since 1998. He is a board-certified and licensed practitioner of oriental medicine and acupuncture in New Zealand. In 1998, John became an AAC provider, in New Zealand and has over 30 years of clinical experience.

John Yuan specialises in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, pain, smoking cessation, insomnia, weight loss, body balance disorders and other diseases, and specializes in pediatric massage, treatment of pediatric diseases, and gynecological problems such as infertility, menopause, menstrual disorders.