• Hay Fever Treatments by Acupuncture

    In Chinese medicine, allergies to pollen, animal fur, household dust, cosmetics, and so on; are usually all due to the same underlying cause, which is a weakness in the functioning of the kidneys and spleen. To give the best diagnosis, I would assess a patience pulse and observe colour and coating of one’s tongue. This

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  • Hyperplasia of mammary gland causing breast lumps

    The mammary gland is a gland located in the breasts of females that is responsible for lactation, or the production of milk.   Both males and females have glandular tissue within the breasts; however, in females the glandular tissue begins to develop after puberty in response to estrogen release. Mammary glands only produce milk after

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  • Other TCM therapies

    Gua Sha Gua Sha scraping sha-bruises, is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped using smooth tool to stimulate blood flow and healing. Gua shais sometimes referred to as “spooning” or “coining”. Gua sha translates directly from Chinese as, “to scrape away fever.” Traditional Chinese Medicine has long believed illnesses such as colds

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  • Pets may reduce risk of heart disease

    Owning pets is associated with reducing your risk of heart disease . There are a variety of reasons that may be at work that influence this relationship. It may be that healthier people are more likely to be pet owners or that people with dogs tend to exercise more. Pets also play a role in providing

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