• Complimentary TCM modalities

    Gua Sha Gua Sha scraping sha-bruises, is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped using smooth tool to stimulate blood flow and healing. Gua shais sometimes referred to as “spooning” or “coining”. Gua sha translates directly from Chinese as, “to scrape away fever.” Traditional Chinese Medicine has long believed illnesses such as colds

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  • Diabetes and acupuncture

    Diabetes is caused primarily by dysfunction of the pancreas. How can acupuncture help diabetic patients? Scientific studies and clinical tests in international research centers in the past decade have shown that acupuncture can help diabetic patients in the following ways: lower blood glucose content; lower the release of pancreatic glucagons; attenuate symptoms of polyphagia (the urge

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  • Other TCM therapies

    Gua Sha Gua Sha scraping sha-bruises, is a traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped using smooth tool to stimulate blood flow and healing. Gua shais sometimes referred to as “spooning” or “coining”. Gua sha translates directly from Chinese as, “to scrape away fever.” Traditional Chinese Medicine has long believed illnesses such as colds

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  • Pets may reduce risk of heart disease

    Owning pets is associated with reducing your risk of heart disease . There are a variety of reasons that may be at work that influence this relationship. It may be that healthier people are more likely to be pet owners or that people with dogs tend to exercise more. Pets also play a role in providing

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